Book Reviews

Book reviews on my manga collection:

A brief list of reviews on my current collection. As of now, my collection has around ~800 volumes. With more than 150 unique titles. it is a continuous growing collection. To find out more about what manga in general is, click here, from the British Museum.

.Japanese mangas are organized by demographics rather than genre. The demographics are composed of 4 categories, which include: shonen(young boy), seinen(adult male), shoujo(young girl), and Josei(adult women). These japanese demographics all have vastly ranging genres within each demographic.

I specifically read shoujo and Josei mangas, as not only am I within the demographic, in enjoy the focus on character development and introspection that i notice more than in other categories. As someone who enjoys reading romance, this demographic range also includes multiple endless stories on this.

I will post reviews accordingly here on my book review posts. posts will likely not be in reading order unless i explicitly mention.